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  • 2018-04-11     
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obdurate ADJ./执拗的;顽固的/stubborn. He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.

obese ADJ./肥胖的/fat. It is advisable that obese people try to lose weight.

obfuscate V./迷惑,困惑;增加不必要的复杂性/confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex. Was the president's spokesman trying to clarify the Whitewater mystery, or was he trying to obfus­cate the issue so the voters would never figure out what went on?

obituary ADJ./讣告/death notice. I first learned of her death when I read the obituarycolumn in the newspaper. also N.

objective N./目标/goal; aim. A degree in medicine was her ulti­mate objective.

obligatory ADJ./必须的/binding; required. It is obligatory that books borrowed from the library be returned within two weeks.

obliterate V./彻底摧毁/destroy completely. The tidal wave obliterated several island villages,

oblivion N./遗忘;赦免/obscurity; forgetfulness. After a decade of pop­ularity, Hurston's works had fallen into oblivion; no one bothered to read them any more.

oblivious ADJ./遗忘的;出神的/inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed. Deep in her book, Nancy was oblivious to the noisy squab­bles of her brother and his friends.

obnoxious ADJ./讨厌的;冒犯的/offensive. I find your behavior obnoxious; please mend your ways.

obscure ADJ./模糊的,不明了的,暗淡的/dark; vague; unclear. Even after I read the poem a fourth time, its meaning was still obscure. obscu­rity, N.

obscure V./使模糊;使暗淡/darken; make unclear. At times he seemed purposely toobscure his meaning, preferring mystery to clarity.

obsolete ADJ./过时的;无用的/no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated. The invention of the pocket calculator made the slide rule used by generations of engineers obsolete.

obstetrician N./妇产科医师/physician specializing in delivery of babies. In modern times, the delivery of children has passed from the midwife to the more scientifically trainedobstetrician,

obstinate ADJ./坚定的,倔强的/stubborn; hard to control or treat. We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he was obstinate and refused to change. Blackberry stickers are the most obstinate weeds I know: once established in a yard, they're extremely hard to root out. obstinacy, N.

obstreperous ADJ./喧闹的,喧嚣的;任性的/boisterous; noisy. What do you do when anobstreperous horde of drunken policemen goes carous­ing through your hotel, crashing into potted plants and singing vulgar songs?

obtrude V./插手,强入,冲出/push (oneself or one's ideas) forward or intrude; butt in; stick out or extrude. Because Fanny was reluctant to obtrude her opinions about child-raising upon her daughter-in-law, she kept a close watch on her tongue. obtrusive,ADJ.

obtuse ADJ./钝的,迟钝的;愚蠢的/blunt; stupid. What can you do with somebody who's so obtuse that he can't even tell that you're insulting him?

obviate V./消除;排除;避免/make unnecessary; get rid of. I hope this contri­bution willobviate any need forfurther collections of funds.

odious ADJ./可恨的;可耻的/hateful; vile. Cinderella's ugly stepsisters had the odioushabit of popping their zits in public.

odium N./讨厌;憎恶/detestation; hatefulness; disrepute. Prince Charming could not express the odium he felt toward Cin­derella's stepsisters because of their mistreatment of poor Cinderella.

odorous ADJ./有气味的/having an odor. This variety of hybrid tea rose is more odorousthan the one you have in your garden.

odyssey N./长期的冒险旅行/long, eventful journey. The refugee's journey from Cambodia was a terrifying odyssey.

offensive ADJ./攻击的;冒犯的/attacking; insulting; distasteful. Getting into street brawls is no minor matter for professional boxers, who are required by law to restrict their offensiveimpulses to the ring.

offhand ADJ./即时的;随意的/casual; done without prior thought. Expecting to be treated with due propriety by her hosts, Great-Aunt Maud was offended by their offhand manner.

officious ADJ./多管闲事的/meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services. Judy wanted to look over the new computer models on her own, but the officious salesman kept on butting in with "helpful" advice until she was ready to walk out of the store.

ogle V./抛媚眼;送秋波/look at amorously; make eyes at. At the coffee house, Walter was too shy to ogle the pretty girls openly; instead, he peeked out at them from behind a rubber plant.

olfactory ADJ./嗅觉的/concerning the sense of smell. A wine taster must have a discriminating palate and a keen olfactory sense, for a good wine appeals both to the taste buds and to the nose.


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