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  • 2018-04-17     
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controvert V./辩论;反驳/oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict. The witness's testimony was so clear and her reputation for honesty so well-established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to contro­vert what she said.

contusion N./擦伤;撞伤/bruise. Black and blue after her fall, Sue was treated for contusions and abrasions.

convention N./习俗,惯例/social or moral custom; established prac­tice. Flying in the face of convention, George Sand shocked society by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes.

conventional ADJ./典型的;普通的/ordinary; typical. His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife's eccen­tric family.

conversantADJ./熟悉/familiar with. The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.

converse N./相反的/opposite. The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation.

convert N./改变;转换;皈依/one who has adopted a different religion or opinion. On his trip to Japan, though the President spoke at length about the virtues of American automobiles, he made few converts to his beliefs. alsoV.

convoke V./召集/call together. Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. convocation, N.

Copious ADJ./丰富的,大量的/plentiful. She had copious reasons for reject­ing the proposal.

cordon N./警戒线/extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress. The police cordon was so tight that the criminals could not leave the area. alsoV.

corollary N./结果,产物/consequence; accompaniment. Brotherly love is a complex emotion, with sibling rivalry its natural corollary.

correlation N./相互的关系/mutual relationship. He sought to determine the correlation that existed betweenability in algebra and ability to interpret reading exercises. correlate,V., N.

corroborate V./确认;支持/confirm; support. Though Huck was quite willing to corroborateTom's story, Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them.

corrosive ADJ./腐蚀性的/eating away by chemicals or disease. Stain­less steel is able to withstand the effects of corrosive chem­icals. corrode,V.

Cosmic ADJ./宇宙的;巨大的/pertaining to the universe; vast. Cosmic rays derive their name from the fact that they bombard the earth's atmosphere from outer space. COSMOS, N.

cosmopolitan ADJ./世界主义/sophisticated. Her years in the capitol had transformed her into a cosmopolitan young woman highly aware of international affairs.

countenance V./忍受;接受/approve; tolerate. He refused to counte­nance such rude behavior on their part.

countenance N./脸/face. When Jose saw his newborn daugh­ter, a proud smile spread across his countenance.

culvert N./水管/artificial channel for water. If we build a culvert under the road at this point, we will reduce the possibility of the road's being flooded during the rainy season.

cumbersomeADJ./粗笨的;累赘/heavy; hard to manage. He was bur­dened down withcumbersome parcels.

cumulative ADJ./累积/growing by addition. Vocabulary building is a cumulative process: as you go through your flash cards, you will add new words to your vocabulary, one by one.

cupidity N./贪婪/greed. The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors, who demanded excessive tribute.

curator N./主管;经理/superintendent; manager. The members of the board of trustees of the museum expected the new curator to plan events and exhibitions that would make the museum more popular.

curmudgeonN./脾气坏;吝啬/churlish, miserly individual. Although he was regarded by many as a curmudgeon, a few of us were aware of the many kindnesses and acts of charity that he secretly performed.

cursive ADJ./流动的;连接的/flowing, running. In normal writing we run our letters together in cursive form; in printing, we separate the letters.

cynosure N./广受注意的目标/the object of general attention. As soon as the movie star entered the room, she became the cynosure of all eyes.


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