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  • 2019-09-10     
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  V. 疑问句

  31. 疑问词+in the world/on earth/the devil/ever ...? 强调疑问句。

  What in the world do you mean?

  Who on earth told you that?

  Who the devil is he?

  Where ever did you lose it?

  Who ever wants it?

  32. 疑问句+do you think/did you say/can you guess/do you suppose + 其它?疑问句中插入成分。

  What do you think I should do first?

  How old were you then, did you say?

  How many books, can you guess, did he buy the other day?

  33. 肯定陈述,+ 肯定反问 修辞性反问以加强语气,非反意问句,故无需作答。


  We are old friends, not strangers, right?

  So you have seen the film, have you?

  She is a sweet girl, is she?

  34. 疑问词位置不在句首 特殊疑问句的灵活运用。

  Five times what number makes 20?

  You are twenty-what this year?

  He is your who?

  You bought a what yesterday?

  He went all the way where?

  VI. 数词句型

  35. 用exactly/clear/sharp 精确整数。

  The cloth measures ten yards exactly.

  It’s now exactly ten o’clock.

  It’s ten sharp.

  It takes me three clear days.

  36. about /or so/ more or less/ some 约指整数。

  About ten thousand cars were produced.

  He wrote some 800 books.

  During the past ten years or so, the production has increased by 90 %.

  It’s an hour’s journey, more or less.

  37. 年龄表达

  I am 20.

  I am 20 years old.

  I am 20 years of age.

  I am aged 20 (years).

  My age is 20 (years).

  He entered school at the age of 5.

  He became plump at 50.

  He graduated at 20 years of age.

  He is a girl of 18 (years old).

  He is a man aged 20 years.

  They are under/below 7 years of age.

  She is in her teens.

  38. 计量表达

  The tree is about 60 feet high (in height).

  long—in length wide—in width thick—in thickness heavy—in weight

  high(物)—in height tall(人)—in height deep—in depth across—in breadth(宽度)

  across—in diameter(直径) across—in radius(半径)

  This room measures 60 feet (in length) by 15 feet (in breadth).

  VII. 关联指代

  39. On (the) one hand, ... and on the other (hand) ... 同一事物之两面。

  On the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am your comrade and friend.

  They have been blamed on the one hand and lauded on the other.

  On the one hand, you shouldn’t be shy; on the other hand, you mustn’t forget your manners.

  40. two (both) ... the one (and) the other...

  two (both) ...the former, the latter...

  two (both) ...the first, the second...

  two (both) ...that, this...

  two (both) ...those, these... 先后两事物。

  I have two brothers; the one (former) is fifteen, and the other (latter) is eleven.

  Work and play are both necessary to health; this (the latter) gives us rest, and that (the former) gives energy.

  They keep horses and cattle, those for riding, and these for food.

  41. first...second...third...lastly...


  one...two...three...four... 序列。

  First, I wish both of you good health. Second, I wish both of you success in your work; and third, I wish both of you good luck in everything.

  What do we need in order to really win? We need three things: first, arms, second, arms, third, arms and arms again.


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