


1. 我完全同意。

I can’t / couldn’t agree more.

2. 她是那种人人都喜欢的人。

She’s the kind of person everyone likes.

3. 请坐好,系好安全带。

Please be seated and fasten your seat belt.

4. 这条牛仔裤的颜色和你的 T 恤相配。

The color of the jeans matches your T-shirt.

5. 到目前为止,你觉得滑雪怎么样?(like)

How do you like skiing so far?

6. 最终我成功到达了山顶。(make)

Finally I made it to the top of the mountain.

7. 你能帮我个忙吗?(favor n)

Can you do me a favor?


8. 他想营造一个有趣的氛围。(atmosphere)

He wants to create a funny atmosphere.

9. 她的膝盖还疼吗?(hurt)

Is her knee still hurting?

10. 如果你有任何问题,请于方便时回电话。(convenience)

If you have any questions, please call back at your convenience.

11. 你能想象舒舒服服地在自己家里度过大部分的工作周吗?(comfort)

Can youimagine spending most of your work week in the comfort of your own home?

12. 没有必要害怕。(need n)

There is no need for fear.

13. 当我 20 岁的时候,我不知道我想做什么。(idea)

When I was 20 years old, I had no ideawhat I wanted to be.

14. 原定于 2:25 出发的航班晚点了。(be due to do sth)

The flight which was due to leave at 2:25 is late.

15. 劳动节是户外野餐和烧烤的日子, 标志着夏季的结束。(mark)

Labor Day is a time for outdoor picnics and barbecues, and it marks the end of the summer season.

16. 我报名参加了这门课程,令我父母高兴的是,这门课程免费。(sign;delight;charge)

I signed up for the course, which to my parents’ great delight was free of charge.

17. 如果你付现金的话,我们会给你额外百分之十的折扣。

If you pay in cash, we’ll give you an additional discount of ten percent.

18. 他总是说生活是困难的,我们应该通过设定可实现的目标为未来做准备。

He always says that life is difficult, and we should prepare for our futures by setting realistic goals.

19. 正因为我们要吃各种不同的食物,所以按每天或每周一次的标准做各种运动是一个好主意。(variety, basis)

Just as we should eat a variety of different foods, it’s a good idea to do a variety of exercises on a daily or a weekly basis.

20. 你就知道打篮球。

All you do is play basketball.

核心结构:All you do is do sth. 你只知道做某事。/ 你所做的就是做某事。

21. 如果我能开车去那儿,我会非常高兴。

I’d be really glad if I could drive there.

核心结构:I would / I’d be glad if … 如果……我会非常高兴。

22. 实际上,自从毕业后我和他就失去联系了。

Actually I’ve been out of touch with him since graduation.

核心结构:out of touch with sb和某人失去联系

23. 我已经在车站附近给你订了旅馆。

I’ve booked you in / into a hotel near the station.

核心结构:book sb in / into sth 为某人预订(旅馆房间等)

24. 要是我问问她他们是否愿意你去那里练习会怎么样呢?What if I ask her if they would like you to practice there?

核心结构:What if ...? 要是……会怎么样呢?

25. 即使你需要工作,但是同意做给你的每一份工作,是不明智的。(need n)

It’s not advisable to agree to do every job you’re offered even if you’re in need of work.

核心结构:It’s advisable to do sth. 做某事是明智的。

26. 花一点时间和精力检查一下比冒险犯大错好多了。

It’s much better to devote a bit of time and effort to checking something than to risk making a serious error.

核心结构:It’s much better to do A than to do B. 做 A 比做 B 好多了。

27. 不过 T 恤上面的某个地方必须有一幅画。

The only thing is the T-shirt must have a picture somewhere on it.核心结构:The only thing is ... 问题是;唯有一点;只是;不过

28. 即使到了季末,天色已晚,圣詹姆斯公园(St. James’s Park)仍然挤满了人。

Even late season, St. James’s Park was still crowded with people late in the day.

核心结构:be crowded with 挤满了……

29. 他激励我成为一名飞行员。

He inspired me to become a pilot.

核心结构:inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事

30. 没有什么比得上找到第一艘旧船。

There’s nothing (quite) like finding the first old ship.

核心结构:There’s nothing like sth. 什么都比不上某事物。

31. 似乎贝蒂总是表现得像个姐姐。

It seems like Betty always behaves like an older sister.

核心结构:It seems like …好像 / 似乎 ……

32. 把材料给顾客之前再通读一遍也无妨。

It wouldn’t hurt to read over the material again before presenting it to the customer.

核心结构:It won’t / wouldn’t hurt to do sth. 做某事不会有什么损害。/ 应该做某事。

33. 所有的沙漠都有一个共同之处 —— 它们都很干燥。

All deserts have one thing in common: they’re very dry.

核心结构:have … in common 有共同点

34. 恐怕下学期我不会接受任何工作了,因为我需要专注于自己的学业。

I’m afraid I won’t take any job next term, for I need to concentrate on my schoolwork.

核心结构:concentrate (sth) on (doing) sth 集中(某物)在(做)某事上

35. 我就是讨厌我的阿姨说我不应该频繁去参加聚会。

Ijust hate it when my aunt says I shouldn’t go to parties too often.

核心结构:hate it when ... 讨厌……

36. 这种疼痛没有治疗办法。

There’s no cure for the pain.

核心结构:There is no cure for sth. 某物没有治疗办法。

37. 我认为我的确很幸运能够靠写作养活自己。

I consider myself very lucky indeed that I’m able to support myself by writing.

核心结构:consider oneself lucky that ... 认为自己很幸运……

38. 我在想我是否可以换一种型号?

I was wondering if I could take another model instead?

核心结构:I was wondering if / whether ... 我想是否可以……

39. 问题是,如果我不同意,他可以让我搬出去。

The trouble is (that) he can ask me to move out if I don’t agree.

核心结构:The trouble is (that) ... 问题是……

40. 当他大约二十岁的时候,得到了去美国的机会。

When he was about twenty, he was given the chance to travel to America.

核心结构:give sb a chance to do sth 给某人做某事的机会

41. 再多一张信用卡也无妨。

It won’t / doesn’t hurt to have one more credit card.

核心结构:It won’t / doesn’t hurt (sb) to do sth.(某人)做某事也无妨。/ (某人)做某事不会有什么坏处。

42. 看来我们聘请一位艺术家是正确的选择。

It seems that we made a right choice to hire an artist.

核心结构:It seems (that) ... 看来 / 似乎……

43. 天气这么热的时候,没有什么比得上一杯冷水了。

There is nothing like a glass of cold water when the weather is so hot.

核心结构:There is nothing like ... 没有什么比得上……

44. 这本书成年读者也喜欢。

The book appealed to adult readers as well.

核心结构:appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力

45. 从我的新公寓能清楚地看到花园。

My new apartment has a great view of a garden.

核心结构:have a great view of 能清楚看到……

46. 如果我问你什么使你快乐,你可能会毫不犹豫地给我至少几个答案。

If I were to ask you what makes you happy, you would probably have no problem providing me with at least a few answers.

核心结构:have no problem (in) doing sth 做某事没困难 provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物

47. 步行到达大多数地方都很容易。

Most placesareeasy to reach on foot.

核心结构:easy to do sth 做某事很容易

48. 那时,我和我的朋友正等着上大学。

At that time, my friend and I were waiting to go to university.

核心结构:wait to do sth 等着做某事

49. 我敢肯定夏天你们很忙。

During the summer I bet you’re pretty busy.

核心结构:I bet ... 我敢肯定……;我敢保证……

50. 最好是把你的车放在家里。

It’s best to leave your car at home.

核心结构:It’s best to do sth. 最好做某事。

51. 什么时候开始锻炼都不晚。

It’s never too late to start exercising.

核心结构:It’s never too late to do sth. 做某事永远不晚 / 迟。

52. 我要把这十张唱片五十美元卖给你。

I’ll sell you these ten records for fifty dollars.

核心结构:sell sb sth for sth 以……价钱卖给某人某物

53. 我们需要节约能源,这将有助于防止气温迅速上升。

We need to save energy and it will help (to) stop the temperature (from) going up rapidly.

核心结构:stop sb / sth (from) doing sth 防止某人 / 某物做某事

54. 问题是,当你把手表拆成碎片并放入新的零件时,你还不如把它换了。

The problem is that by the time you’ve got the watch to pieces and put in the new parts, you might as well have replaced it.

核心结构:may / might as well 还是……的好;倒不如


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