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  • 2019-12-07     
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  As well as

  In addition

  Not only…but (also)…




  Paragraph 1: Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how can we tell when other people are happy or despondent? It turns out that the expression of many emotions may be universal. Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval. Baring the teeth in a hostile way, as noted by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, may be a universal sign of anger. As the originator of the theory of evolution, Darwin believed that the universal recognition of facial expressions would have survival value. For example, facial expressions could signal the approach of enemies (or friends) in the absence of language.

  The word “despondent” in the passage is closest in meaning to (2)

  ○ curious

  ○ unhappy

  ○ thoughtful

  ○ uncertain

  在这个词汇题中,与考察的词despondent平行的是用or 连接的happy, 我们知道,用or连接的两个词,要么意思相同,要么相反,根据这题的语境,应该是相反的意思,所以答案是B。


  Paragraph 3: The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. Sediments are also dropped where a river slows on entering a lake or the sea, the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor at first, but will be located inland at some future date, when the sea level falls or the land rises; such beds are sometimes thousands of meters thick.

  All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as places that sediment-laden rivers can deposit their sediments EXCEPT

  ○A mountain valley

  ○Flat land

  ○A lake floor

  ○The seafloor

  不难发现,这题的C和D选项在文中是or 连接的并列关系,既然是单选题,可以轻松的把这两个选项一起排除掉,在A与B中做选择即可,这样可以快速锁定解题的关键点,提升做题的速度。


  Runaway slaves usually traveled alone or in small groups. Most were young men between the ages of 16 and 35. █ The fugitives hid in wagons and boxes in steamers. █ They traveled on foot through swamps and woods and sometimes in broad daylight. █ Boys disguised themselves as girls, and girls dressed as boys. In one well-know incident, twenty-eight slaves escaped by walking in a funeral procession from Kentucky to Ohio. █

  Women and children also escaped, but they were more easily captured.

  这题要我们插入的句子中有两个逻辑连接词,分别是also和but, 而插入题考察的是句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,所以对于我们解题有用的是also, 由此推出黑方框之前必然有与women and children 并列的一类人,那就是第一个方框之前的young men, 所以答案就是A。


  Paragraph 3: The first wells were drilled into the Ogallala during the drought years of the early 1930’s. The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950’s onward, transformed the economy of the region. More than 100,000 wells now tap the Ogallala. Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 4.5 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops. Ogallala water has enabled the High Plains region to supply significant amounts of the cotton, sorghum, wheat, and corn grown in the United States. In addition, 40 percent of American grain-fed beef cattle are fattened here.

  In paragraph 3, why does the author provide the information that 40 percent of American cattle are fattened in the High Plains?

  ○To suggest that crop cultivation is not the most important part of the economy of the High Plains

  ○To indicate that not all economic activity in the High Plains is dependent on irrigation

  ○To provide another example of how water from the Ogallala has transformed the economy of the High Plains

  ○To contrast cattle-fattening practices in the High Plains with those used in other region of the United States

  这题问作者为什么要提到“40 percent of American cattle are fattened in the High Plains”,这个信息在段落的最后一句,它与前一句的连接词“in addition”不可忽略,说明与前一句之间的关系是并列,所以前一句并不是作者的目的,要跳过前一句的并列信息再往前找观点,这种情况答案一般在段落的开头,这一段的第一句是介绍背景的,第二句是作者的观点,即是答案C选项所说的内容,其中的another example 刚好印证了in addition.


  Numerous insects occupy the marsh, feeding on living or dead cordgrass tissue, and redwing blackbirds, sparrows, rodents, rabbits, and deer feed directly on the cordgrass.

  • Insects feed only on dead cordgrass, while most other marsh inhabitants feed on live cordgrass.

  • The marsh is a good habitat for insects, but a relatively poor one for birds and animals.

  • Although cordgrass provides food for birds and animals, it gives insects both food and a place to live.

  • Cordgrass provides food for numerous insects, birds, and other animals.

  句子简化题判断正确选项的一大标准就是如果原句有明显的逻辑关系,那么这种逻辑关系是不能变的。以上这题原句是and连接的并列关系,快速浏览四个选项发现A是while连接的比较关系,B和C分别是but和although 连接的转折关系,只有D是并列关系,这样可以迅速的锁定选项,再与原句比对验证一下,即可得到答案。  


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