


  事实上PTE考试的词汇难度适中,极少会考到非常高深,或者偏僻的专业词汇,常见的都是比较日常会使用到的专业词汇。所以平时大家在积累单词的时候,不用逼迫自己背那些过于高深偏僻的词汇。 掌握每种领域的词汇中最日常会用到的词汇就基本足够了。下面就和小编一起看看吧。







  Aspiration:[æspəˈreʃən] n. 渴望

  desire to achieve things

  The aspiration to neutrality findsprominent expression in our politics and low.

  Prominent: ['prɒmɪnənt] adj. 突出的

  important andwell-known

  In days gone by, when theonly entertainment in town on a Wednesday night was to go to the countycourthouse to listen to a prominent politician give a theatrical tiradeagainst Herbert Hoover, an eloquent speaker could pack the courthouse and havefive thousand people lined up to the railroad tracks listening to the boomingloudspeakers.

  Derive: [dɪ'raɪv] v. 源于


  Although neutrality derives from theliberal tradition of political thought, its province is not limited to thoseknown as liberals.

  Disprove:[dɪsˈpruv] v. 反驳

  prove to be false

  It’s as difficult to disprove animalconsciousness as it is to prove it.

  Oppose: [kən'sɝvətɪv] v. 反对

  unwilling to acceptchanges and new ideas

  Conservatives appeal to neutrality when opposingattempts by government to impose certain moral restraints.

  Welfare: ['wɛl'fɛr] n. 福利

  health, comfort,and happiness

  Republicans have long complained thattaxing the rich to pay for welfare programs for the poor is a form ofcoerced charity that violates people’s freedom to choose what to do with theirown money.

  Assure:[ə'ʃʊr] adj. 保证

  you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen,often in order to make them less worried

  Democrats have long replied that governmentmust assure all citizens a decent level of income, housing, educationand health care.

  Permanent: ['pɝmənənt] adj. 永久的

  lasts forever

  So familiar is this vision of freedom thatit might seem a permanent feature of the American political tradition.

  Deliberating: [dɪ'lɪbərət]v. 仔细考虑

  plan and decide beforehand

  It involves deliberatingwith fellow citizens about the common good and helping to shape the destiny ofthe political community.

  Sustain:[sə'sten] v. 维持

  continue or maintain for a period oftime

  For despiteits appeal, the liberal vision of freedom lacks the civic resources to sustainself-government.

  Monopoly: [mə'nɑpəli] n. 垄断

  complete control

  Twenty-fiveyears ago be published a short book suggesting that humans didn’t have the monopolyon thoughts and feelings

  Appall: [əˈpɔl] v. 使惊愕

  fill with fear or alarm

  Otherscientists were appalled.

  Disguise: [dɪsˈɡaɪz] v. 伪装

  make something appear different so that people will not know about it orwill not recognize it

  Animal enrichment programs featuring mentalpuzzles disguised as toys and treats have become a standard part ofdaily life at zoos.

  Misinterpret:[ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 误解

  understand something wrongly

  Early work on primate gestures and facialexpressions was grossly misinterpreted.

  Interpret: [ɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 解释

  decide the meaning or significance of something

  But the effort to explain what was in his head has spawned almost asmany interpretationsas the words themselves have generated politicalmovements.

  Intensify: [ɪnˈtɛnsəˌfaɪ] v. 增强

  make somethingbecome greater in strength, amount, or degree

  In the recent findings appear to haveonly intensified the debate over animal consciousness.

  Mess: [mɛs] n. 混乱

  something in an untidystate

  Tufts University philosopher Daniel C.Dennett declared the state of thinking on animal consciousness a “mess”.

  Advocate: [ˈædvəˌket] v. 提倡

  recommend something publicly/ n. 提倡者

  On the one hand there are the pro-consciousness philosophers like Colin McGinn, a professor at RutgersUniversity, and Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton and aleading animal rights advocate.


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高分技巧:PTE阅读Re-order paragraph解题思路分析(上)

Re-order Paragraphs是PTE阅读部分中相对较为重要的一类题型,此类题型一般为2-3题,采用的是配对评分法则,且只对Reading部分贡献分数。今天来介绍这个题型的解题技巧,帮助大家顺利得分!
