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  • 2018-09-03     
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  虽然GMAT OG 19版已经与大家见面有一段时间,很多考生也咨询了解了19版新题的讲解,那课窝考试网就和大家一起看看阅读部分的变化吧。

  19 OG 在 18 OG的基础上新增了5篇文章,但是我们会发现这5篇文章其实之前在XDF800题里面都收录过,可见官方并没有出新的文章,只是换汤不换药额。今天重点分析其中的两篇文章:



  Line(1)One proposal for preserving rain forests is

  to promote the adoption of new agricultural

  technologies, such as improved plant varieties and

  use of chemical herbicides, which would increase

  (5) productivity and slow deforestation by reducing

  demand for new cropland. Studies have shown

  that farmers in developing countries who have

  achieved certain levels of education, wealth, and

  security of land tenure are more likely to adopt such

  (10) technologies. But these studies have focused on

  villages with limited land that are tied to a market

  economy rather than on the relatively isolated, self‐sufficient

  communities with ample land characteristic

  of rain-forest regions. A recent study of the Tawahka

  (15) people of the Honduran rain forest found thatfarmers

  with some formal education were more likely to

  adopt improved plant varieties but less likely to

  use chemical herbicides and that those who spoke

  Spanish (the language of the market economy) were

  (20) more likely to adopt both technologies. Nonland

  wealth was also associated with more adoption of

  both technologies, but availability of uncultivated land

  reduced the incentive to employ the productivity‐enhancing

  technologies. Researchers also measured

  (25) land-tenure security: in Tawahka society, kinshipties

  are a more important indicator of this than are legal

  property rights, so researchers measured it by a

  household’s duration of residence in its village. They

  found that longer residence correlated with more

  (30) adoption of improved plant varieties but lessadoption

  of chemical herbicides.

  Questions 411–412 refer to the passage.

  411.The passage suggests that in the study mentioned in line 14 the method for gathering information about security of land tenure reflects which of the following pairs of assumptions about Tawahka society?

  1.The security of a household’s land tenure depends on the strength of that household’s kinship ties, and the duration of a household’s residence in its village is an indication of the strength of that household’s kinship ties.

  2.The ample availability of land makes security of land tenure unimportant, and the lack of a need for secure land tenure has made the concept of legal property rights unnecessary.

  3.The strength of a household’s kinship ties is a more reliable indicator of that household’s receptivity to new agricultural technologies than is its quantity of nonland wealth, and the duration of a household’s residence in its village is a more reliable indicator of that household’s security of land tenure than is the strength of its kinship ties.

  4.Security of land tenure based on kinship ties tends to make farmers more receptive to the use of improved plant varieties, and security of land tenure based on long duration of residence in a village tends to make farmers more receptive to the use of chemical herbicides.

  5.A household is more likely to be receptive to the concept of land tenure based on legal property rights if it has easy access to uncultivated land, and a household is more likely to uphold the tradition of land tenure based on kinship ties if it possesses a significant degree of nonland wealth.

  412.According to the passage, the proposal mentioned in line 1 is aimed at preserving rain forests by encouraging farmers in rain-forest regions to do each of the following EXCEPT

  1.adopt new agricultural technologies

  2.grow improved plant varieties

  3.decrease their use of chemical herbicides

  4.increase their productivity

  5.reduce their need to clear new land for cultivation





  给了一个study,说明在市场经济相关的地区,教育,财富,和land tenure这三个因素下的农民对于2个技术的态度一样;





  Study ( marketed economy) : proposal √(education; wealth; land tenure)

  Recent study (isolated areas) :

  1) Education : improved plant varieties √herbicides X

  2) Wealth : improved plant varieties ; herbicides X

  3) Land tenure: kinship (longer duration)improved plant varieties √herbicides X



  从高亮的研究(recent study)中的关于land tenure的信息可以反映以下哪个说法?

  定位文章:" Researchers also measured (25) land-tenuresecurity: in Tawahka society, kinship ties are a more important indicator ofthis than are legal property rights, soresearchers measured it by a household’s duration of residence in its village.They found that longer residencecorrelated with more (30) adoption of improved plant varieties but lessadoption of chemical herbicides. "

  A: 正确:land tenure 是靠kinship 的强弱,而一家人居住时间的长短可以反映kinship的强弱,符合定位句;

  B: 获得大量的土地使得land tenure不重要(跨层wealth)

  C: kinship 是比nonland wealth更加重要的一个指标(跨层 wealth)

  D: 基于kinship 的land tenure 和基于 long duration 的land tenure, 分了两个land tenure, 错误;

  E: 基于legal property rights 错误。

  412. 题干分析:


  定位句:One proposal for preserving rain forests isto promote the adoption of new agricultural technologies, such as improvedplant varieties and use of chemical herbicides, which would increase(5) productivityand slow deforestation by reducing demand for new cropland.







  Line(1)Carotenoids, a family of natural pigments, form

  an important part of the colorful signals used by

  many animals. Animals acquire carotenoids either

  directly (from the plants and algae that produce

  (5) them) or indirectly (by eating insects) and store them

  in a variety of tissues. Studies of several animal

  species have shown that when choosing mates,

  females prefer males with brighter carotenoid-based

  coloration. Owens and Olson hypothesize that the

  (10) presence of carotenoids, as signaled by coloration,

  would be meaningful in the context of mate selection

  if carotenoids were either rare or required for

  health. The conventional view is that carotenoids

  are meaningful because they are rare: healthier

  (15) males can forage for more of the pigments than

  can their inferior counterparts. Although this may be

  true, there is growing evidence that carotenoids are

  meaningful also because they are required: they are

  used by the immune system and for detoxification

  (20) processes that are important for maintaining health.

  It may be that males can use scarce carotenoids

  either for immune defense and detoxification or for

  attracting females. Males that are more susceptible

  to disease and parasites will have to use their

  (25) carotenoids to boost their immune systems, whereas

  males that are genetically resistant will use fewer

  carotenoids for fighting disease and will advertise

  this by using the pigments for flashy display instead.

  Questions 443–447 refer to the passage.

  443.According to the “conventional view” referred to in line 13 of the passage, brighter carotenoid-based coloration in certain species suggests that an individual

  1.lives in a habitat rich in carotenoid-bearing plants and insects

  2.has efficient detoxification processes

  3.has a superior immune system

  4.possesses superior foraging capacity

  5.is currently capable of reproducing

  444.The idea that carotenoid-based coloration is significant partly because carotenoids are required for health suggests that a lack of bright coloration in a male is most likely to indicate which of the following?

  1.Inefficient detoxification processes

  2.Immunity to parasite infestation

  3.Low genetic resistance to disease

  4.Lack of interest in mating

  5.Lack of carotenoid-storing tissues

  445.The passage suggests that relatively bright carotenoidbased coloration is a signal of which of the following characteristics in males of certain animal species?

  1.Readiness for mating behavior

  2.Ability to fight

  3.Particular feeding preferences

  4.Recovery from parasite infestation

  5.Fitness as a mate

  446.The passage implies which of the following about the insects from which animals acquire carotenoids?

  1.They do not produce carotenoids themselves.

  2.They use carotenoids primarily for coloration.

  3.They maintain constant levels of carotenoids in their tissues.

  4.They are unable to use carotenoids to boost their immune system.

  5.They are available in greater abundance than are carotenoid-bearing plants.

  447.Information in the passage suggests that which of the following is true of carotenoids that a male animal uses for detoxification processes?

  1.They were not acquired directly from plants and algae.

  2.They cannot be replenished through foraging.

  3.They cannot be used simultaneously to brighten coloration.

  4.They do not affect the animal’s susceptibility to parasites.

  5.They increase the chances that the animal will be selected as a mate.



  Carotenoids是一种天然染料,动物有两种获取他的方式。雌性选择伴侣的时候更倾向于选择有brighter carotenoids-based coloration的伴侣。老观点认为Carotenoids重要是因为它的稀有性。但是O&O认为它重要是因为2个原因:稀有性和健康性。




  Olson(New): C rare & required for health→C meaningful

  ↑immune, detoxification→√health

  Old: C rare→C meaningful




  那么直接可以定位文中老观点的内容:"The conventional view is that carotenoidsaremeaningful because they are rare: healthier males can forage for more of the "

  A: 无关选项

  B: 这是新观点提及的概念,而非老观点


  D:√定位句说:" 由于carotenoids很稀少,越健康的雄性能找到越多的pigments"。由于在这篇文章中pigments就指代Carotenoids,所以如果一个雄性体内的carotenoids越多,就可以说明它搜寻能力更强。


  444. 题干分析:

  问"coloration重要是因为carotenoids是健康所需 " 这个观点表明如果缺乏它会怎样?

  可以明确题干的观点属于新观点,然后就可以定位原文 "Males that are more susceptibleto disease andparasites will have to use their carotenoids to boost their immune systems,whereasmales that are genetically resistant will usefewercarotenoids for fighting disease and will advertisethis byusing the pigments for flashy display instead.







  445.题目问有bright carotenoid-based coloration的雄性有以下什么特点?定位原文第6行" Studies of severalanimalspecies have shown that when choosing mates,females prefermales with brighter carotenoid-basedcoloration. "





  E:√fitness此处翻译为" 适当,适合"。文中说雌性更喜欢brightercarotenoid-basedcoloration的雄性,可以推得这样的雄性对于雌性来说更适合作为伴侣。

  446.由于题干提问对象是给动物提供carotenoids的昆虫,文中只有段首第5行提到了昆虫,所以可以直接定位" acquire carotenoidseitherdirectly (from the plants and algae that produce them) orindirectly (by eating insects) and store themin a variety of tissues. "

  A:√原文说plants and algae是获取carotenoids的直接来源,它们可以产生carotenoids;那么根据定位句信息可以推断获取carotenoids的间接来源(即通过吃昆虫)一定是无法直接产出carotenoids的。





  447.题目问的是用来解毒的carotenoids怎么样了?定位新观点:It may be that males can usescarce carotenoidseither for immune defense and detoxification orforattracting females.

  A: 与文章信息不符,文章开头说了它可以直接从植物和藻类中获取。

  B: 选项是传统老观点的内容,和题干分析不符



  E: 原文中描述Carotenoids的作用有:免疫疾病和解毒,或者吸引异性。注意原文说的是"either or-或者 ",即如果把carotenoids用来解毒了,那就不能用来吸引异性了。


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