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  • 2018-08-01     
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  AMC不但是美 国顶尖数学人才的人才库,更为学校提供了解申请入学者在数学科目上的学习成就与表现评估。AMC成功地为许多学生因测验成绩优良而进入理想学校。藉由设计 严谨的试题,达到激发应试者解决问题的能力,培养对数学的兴趣。参予AMC12的学生应该不难发现测验的问题都很具挑战性,但测验的题型都不会超过学生的学习范围。这项测验希望每个考生能从竞赛中享受数学。今天课窝小编为大家整理了AMC12真题练习,希望考生们认真阅读,能够对你的考试有所帮助。



Four positive integers $a$$b$$c$, and $d$ have a product of $8!$ and satisfy:

\begin{align*} ab + a + b & = 524 \\  bc + b + c & = 146 \\  cd + c + d & = 104 \end{align*}

What is $a-d$?

$\text{(A) }4 \qquad \text{(B) }6 \qquad \text{(C) }8 \qquad \text{(D) }10 \qquad \text{(E) }12$

Solution 1

Using Simon's Favorite Factoring Trick, we can rewrite the three equations as follows:

\begin{align*} (a+1)(b+1) & = 525 \\  (b+1)(c+1) & = 147 \\  (c+1)(d+1) & = 105 \end{align*}

Let $(e,f,g,h)=(a+1,b+1,c+1,d+1)$. We get:

\begin{align*} ef & = 3\cdot 5\cdot 5\cdot 7 \\  fg & = 3\cdot 7\cdot 7 \\  gh & = 3\cdot 5\cdot 7 \end{align*}

Clearly $7^2$ divides $fg$. On the other hand, $7^2$ can not divide $f$, as it then would divide $ef$. Similarly, $7^2$ can not divide $g$. Hence $7$ divides both $f$ and $g$. This leaves us with only two cases: $(f,g)=(7,21)$ and $(f,g)=(21,7)$.

The first case solves to $(e,f,g,h)=(75,7,21,5)$, which gives us $(a,b,c,d)=(74,6,20,4)$, but then $abcd \not= 8!$. We do not need to multiply, it is enough to note e.g. that the left hand side is not divisible by $7$. (Also, a - d equals $70$ in this case, which is way too large to fit the answer choices.)

The second case solves to $(e,f,g,h)=(25,21,7,15)$, which gives us a valid quadruple $(a,b,c,d)=(24,20,6,14)$, and we have $a-d=24-14 =\boxed{10}$.

Solution 2

As above, we can write the equations as follows:

\begin{align*} (a+1)(b+1) & = 525 \\  (b+1)(c+1) & = 147 \\  (c+1)(d+1) & = 105 \end{align*}

Looking at the first two equations, we know that $a+1$ but not $b+1$ is a multiple of 5, and looking at the last two equations, we know that $(d+1)$ but not $(c+1)$ must be a multiple of 5 (since if $b+1$ or $c+1$ was a multiple of 5, then $(b+1)(c+1)$ would also be a multiple of 5).

Thus, $(a+1) \equiv (d+1) \equiv 0 \hspace{1 mm} \text{(mod 5)}$, and $a - d \equiv 0 \hspace{1 mm}  \text{(mod 5)}$. The only answer choice where this is true is $\boxed{\text{D) 10}}$.


四位正整数$ A $$ B $$ C $,和$ d $拥有的产品$ 8 $!和满足:

\ begin {align *} ab + a + b&= 524 \\ bc + b + c&= 146 \\ cd + c + d&= 104 \ end {align *}

是什么$ $广告

$ \ text {(A)} 4 \ qquad \ text {(B)} 6 \ qquad \ text {(C)} 8 \ qquad \ text {(D)} 10 \ qquad \ text {(E)} 12 $


使用Simon最喜欢的Factoring Trick,我们可以重写三个方程如下:

\ begin {align *}(a + 1)(b + 1)&= 525 \\(b + 1)(c + 1)&= 147 \\(c + 1)(d + 1)&= 105 \端对齐{*}

我们$(E,F,G,H)=(A + 1,B + 1,C + 1,d + 1)$。我们得到:

\ begin {align *} ef&= 3 \ cdot 5 \ cdot 5 \ cdot 7 \\ fg&= 3 \ cdot 7 \ cdot 7 \\ gh&= 3 \ cdot 5 \ cdot 7 \ end {align *}

显然$ 7·2 $分歧$ FG $。另一方面,$ 7·2 $不能分裂$ F $,因为它会分裂$ EF $。同样,$ 7·2 $不能分$ G $。因此$ 7 $分割两者$ F $$ G $。这让我们只有两个案例:$(F,G)=(7,21)$$(F,G)=(21,7)$

第一种情况解决了$(E,F,G,H)=(75,7,21,5)$,这给了我们$(A,B,C,d)=(74,6,20,4)$,但随后$ abcd \ not = 8!$。我们不需要乘法,这足以说明例如左侧不能被整除$ 7 $。(此外,$ $ 70在这种情况下,a-d等于太大而无法满足答案选择。)

第二种情况解决了$(E,F,G,H)=(25,21,7,15)$,它给了我们一个有效的四倍$(A,B,C,d)=(24,20,6,14)$,我们有$ ad = 24-14 = \ boxed {10} $



\ begin {align *}(a + 1)(b + 1)&= 525 \\(b + 1)(c + 1)&= 147 \\(c + 1)(d + 1)&= 105 \端对齐{*}

看看前两个方程式,我们知道$ A + 1 $但不是$ B + 1 $5的倍数,并且看最后两个方程,我们知道$(d + 1)$但不一定$(C + 1)$是5的倍数(因为if $ B + 1 $或是$ C + 1 $5的倍数,那么$(B + 1)(C + 1)$也会是5)的倍数。

因此$(a + 1)\ equiv(d + 1)\ equiv 0 \ hspace {1 mm} \ text {(mod 5)} $,和$ a  -  d \ equiv 0 \ hspace {1 mm} \ text {(mod 5)} $。这是唯一的答案选择$ \ boxed {\ text {D)10}} $


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