

 在AEIS英语语法备考中,你可别小看定冠词the,它的用法真可谓变化无穷,稍一疏忽就会出错。“in”、“ on”、“ at”、“ by”等词表示状态;动词短语表动作。加the 和不加the有区别的。



1. at school和at the school

at school 上学

at the school 在学校里,表示的是在学校这个地点

My son is at school now. He is not at home or somewhere else.


Many students study at the school. 许多学生在学校里。

2. at sight 和at the sight of

at sight意为“一看见就”,一般放在句末;

at the sight of意为“在看到……时”,可放在句首或句末。

He plays music at sight. 他即时看谱演奏。

At the sight of the police officers the thief ran off. 小偷一看见警察就跑了。


3. at desk和at the desk

at desk在学习

at the desk在课桌旁

He is at desk. 他在学习。

I do my homework at the desk. 我在课桌旁做作业。

4.by sea 和by the sea

by sea 是一个用来表示交通方式的介词短语,意为“乘船(by ship),由海路(by way of the sea)”。

by the sea 表示位置或地点,意为“在海边,在海岸上(on the coast)”。

He travelled the whole world by sea and land. 他经海路和陆路周游全世界。

He lived in a small town by the sea. 他住在海边的一个小城镇。

5. behind time和behind the time

behind time 过了时刻,误期

behind the time 落伍于时代

The train is ten minutes behind time. 火车晚点十分钟。

Such books are behind the times. 这种书落后于时代了。

6. by day和by the day

by day 在白天 = during the day time

by the day 论日,按日(计算)

They don’t work by day but by night. 他们白天不工作,晚上工作。

The bank calculates the interest on bills by the day. 银行按日计算帐息。

7. by hand和by the hand

by hand 手工做的 (by+名词一般表示抽象意义的)

by the hand 搀着(手)(by the+名词一般表示具体意义的)

Was this tablecloth made by hand? 这块桌台布是用手工做的吗?

He took his grandmother by the hand when they crossed the street. 过马路时,他搀着他祖母(的手)。

8. in front of和in the front of

in front of和in the front of都可表示“在……前面”

in front of表示“在……(范围外的)前面”

in the front of则表示“在……(范围内的)前面”

He likes to sit in the front of the classroom. 他喜欢坐在教室的前排。

There is a pond in front of the house. 房屋前面有个池塘。

9. in charge of 和in the charge of

in charge of(=take charge of),意为“主管;看管;在……看管之下”,主语是人

in the charge of意为“负责管理;负责照料”,主语是事物(物)

Miss Wang was in charge of our class. 王老师负责管理我们班级。

Our class was in the charge of Miss Wang. 我们班级由王老师负责管理。

10. in hospital和in the hospital

in hospital (生病)住院

in the hospital 在医院里(工作)

She is in hospital right now. 她现在住院了。

I work in the hospital. 我在医院工作。

11. in prison 和in the prison

in prison “在坐牢”,中间无冠词,表示与法律有关(be punished)

in the prison “在监狱中”,只强调地点,中间有冠词

He has been in prison for five years. 他已经坐牢5年了。(强调他是囚犯)

There are two libraries in the prison. 这座监狱里有两个图书馆。(强调在监狱里)

12. in place of和in the place of

in place of 代替 (与instead of意思相同,书面语,代替某人可说in sb’s place)

in the place of 在……的地方

take the place of 取代,代替(做谓语,用在名词,代词前)

Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places.在许多地方拖拉机代替了马。

We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. 我们用筷子代替刀叉。

The traffic accident happened in the place of Lorraine. 交通事故发生在洛林这个地方。

13.in school和in the school

in school 在校读书

in the school 在学校里(可以是求学、工作,也可能是找人)

My daughter still in school. She doesn’t work. 我女儿还在上学,她不在工作。

There are hundreds of students in the school. 学校里有几百个学生。

14. in bed 和in the bed

in bed躺在床上、卧病在床

in the bed 表示在床上,即在被窝里,就是一个位置

Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。

I was so tired and wanted to sleep in the bed right now. 我太累了,真想马上躺在被窝里觉。

15.in class和in the class

in class在课堂上,在上课

in the class在班级里面,在班上

Don't talk loudly in class. 不要在课堂上大声讲话。

The children are in the class. 那些孩子们都在教室里。

16.in secret和in the secret

in secret 秘密地,私底下

in the secret 知道内情,参与秘密或阴谋

He told me the news in secret. 他悄悄地告诉我这个消息。

Are you in the secret? 你知道内情吗?

17. in possession of和 in the possession of

in possession of 拥有,用人做主语

in the possession of 为…...所有,用物做主语

Who is in possession of this estate? 这是谁的地产?

Those buildings are now in the possession of our university. 现在那些楼房归我们大学所有。

18.in sight of和in the sight of

in sight of 看得见的地方

in the sight of 在……看来,从……观点来看

He followed it until he was in sight of the homestead. 他顺着路一直走,直到看见宅基地。

The lotus blooms in the sight of the sun, and loses all that it has. 荷花在日中开放,丢掉了自己的一切所有。

19.in fashion和in the fashion

in fashion 时尚,时髦

in the fashion 仿照……的风格

That sort of house is back in fashion. 那种房子又时兴起来了。

He paints in the fashion of Picasso. 他仿效毕加索的风格画画。

20.on end和on the end of

on end 连续地;直立着,竖立着

on the end of 表示在某个物品的端头

I spend days on end in this studio. 我一连几天呆在这个工作室里。

One was a container on the end of the wing. 其中一次是在机翼一端悬挂了一个容器。

21.on top of 和on the top of

on top of 即可以表示在有形的物体上方,也可以表示不具体的某事物的顶端;还有“除此以外”之意

on the top of在具体物体(平物)的顶部

On top of this, several other benefits are being offered. 除此以外,其它几项好处正在出现。

The skin exactly on the top of my head pains. 我头上正好位于头顶的那块皮肤很痛。

22.out of office 和out of the office

out of office 表示离岗、下岗

out of the office 表示人在公司上班,但是本人现在不在公司里面,可能有事出去了

(out of office 在野,不执政;out of the office 从办公室出去)

They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office. 他们再也无法忍受这些政客,希望通过选举把他们赶下台。

It’s a relief to get out of the office once in a while.


23.with child和 with a/the child

with child怀孕

with a/ child 意为带孩子

She is (heavy) with child again.; She has been in the family way again. 她又怀孕了。

She was with a child. 她带着一个孩子。


1.come out of prison和 come out of the prison

come out of prison(刑满)释放

come out of the prison(因事)从监狱里出来

Whatever his past crimes, every criminal who has come out of prison should be allowed to start a new job with a clean slate.


And they went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia: and when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.

二人出了监,往吕底亚家里去。 见了弟兄们,劝慰他们一番,就走了。

2.come out of hospital和 come out of the hospital

come out of hospital (病好)出院

come out of the hospital (因事)从医院里出来

He is coming out of hospital on Friday. 他星期五要出院了。

She walked out of the hospital lobby and was killed


3.go to sea和go to the sea

go to sea意为“出海,当水手(=become a sailor)”

go to the sea意为“去海边”

When he was a boy, his greatest wish was to go to sea. 他小时候最大的愿望就是去当水手。

He went to the sea for a holiday. 他去海边度假了。

4.go to school和go to the school

go to school意为“开始求学;到校上课”

go to the school意为“去学校(但不一定是上学,也可能是去办事)”

He usually goes to school by bike.


His mother often goes to the school to see him.


5. go to church和go to the church

go to church做礼拜

go to the church去这个(指定的)教堂

6. go to prison 和go to the prison

go to prison去坐牢

go to the prison去监狱(办事)

He says he'd rather go to prison than pay the fine. 他说他宁愿蹲监狱也不肯交罚款。

You will go to the prison of La force! 你要进拉弗尔斯监狱。

7.go to town和go to the town

go to town 进城;以极大的精力[热情]做……;滥花钱

go to the town 到那座小城去

With £ 800 spending money for each couple, you can really go to town!


I am in a hurry to go to the town. 我要赶紧到那座小城去。

8.go to university /college和go to the university /college

go to university/college抽象意义上的上大学,即指去读书方面的

go to the university/college去那所大学

Everyone should go to college. 人人都应该上大学。

She goes to the university twice daily. 她每天去那所大学两次。


at most/at the most差不多

at first/at the first首先

go to market/go to the market去市场

go to office/go to the office上班,去办公室


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